Coaches’ Corner



Practice Planner

Try-out Evaluation

Ice Listings

If you are looking for ice, keep coming back here for new postings.  We are updating the site whenever someone has some ice to sell or trade.  Remember to try and help each other with ice conflicts.  Refer to the Our Teams page to get in touch with other team officials.  Let’s not see money and ice go to waste!

Sept 8, 20229:05-10:05pm1 hourCanadian Ice AcademyChad /

Click here to send an email and have your ice listed added or removed or even if you need ice!
(if the above link does not work, email and, please allow 24hrs for your post to appear)

Rules for Ice trades and purchases:

  1. Club provided practice ice MUST be offered to other Eagles teams first via this web site
  2. Selling of Club provided practice ice to another Eagles team must be at cost or less
  3. Club provided practice ice CANNOT be posted on any other on-line trading site
  4. Teams selling their Club provided practice ice to non-Eagles teams MUST inform our GM as to which team will be utilizing the ice
  5. Teams can post their private ice times; prices are at the discretion of the selling team
  6. Teams are responsible for their own transactions; the Club is not liable for any monies lost or owing